Helping Love Win
The In Our America flag stands for a nation where everyone belongs. In the months ahead, with your help, we’ll be busy promoting the positive values on the flag, funding aligned grassroots organizations, and working to save democracy. We’ll also be celebrating wins, because joy is part of the plan. We have lots of audacious ideas, so stay tuned!
On the heels of the 2016 election, a group of women in Portland, Oregon joined forces to fight for democracy and social justice. Calling ourselves "Nasty Women Get Shit Done,” we commissioned changes to a design created by local artist Jason Maxfield. The original “In Our America” flag design was an instant classic! Now, thousands of In Our America flags, yard signs, t-shirts, and more are on display around the United States, and around the world.

In 2022 we’ve been making some changes. Nasty Women remains an amazing activism-focused organization. (Look them up on Facebook!) With the blessing of Nasty Women, we've formed a new, separate non-profit called In Our America, Love Wins. Our new non-profit will focus on spreading our message and selling values-based merchandise; claiming the flag as a symbol of the America we aspire to, and helping to fund a more just and equitable future.
The Flag's Donation History
In Our America, Love Wins will continue the tradition of raising money in order to give it away. Your donations and purchases are re-invested in grassroots organizations aligned with the values on our flag. In other ways, we are evolving and changing. For example, we're expanding our volunteer corps to support a national focus. We're refining our giving strategies to support social justice with every donation. And we're reorganizing as an Oregon 501(c)3 non-profit. This means that donations will be tax-deductible and while we will fight like hell for voter rights, we cannot support specific candidates or campaigns.​
We couldn't be more proud of our flag's donation history, and you can be proud of it too! Your purchases and support are doing real good in the world. Since November 2016, NWGSD donated $206,865 (total) to the following organizations.
$500 to Whittier Street Health Center. www.wshc.org
$1,500 to Southern Trans Youth Equality Project. southernequality.org
$1,500 to Loving Day. lovingday.org
$250 to Yellowhammer Fund. abortionfunds.org/fund/yellowhammer-fund
$200 to OutsideIn. outsidein.org
$250 to 350PDX. 350pdx.org
$200 to Q Center. www.pdxqcenter.org
$1,500 to Hygiene4All. www.h4apdx.org
$500 to The Civics Center. www.thecivicscenter.org/
$500 to Movement Voter Fund. movementvoterfund.org
$1,500 to Lupe. lupenet.org
$1,500 to Center for Common Ground. www.centerforcommonground.org
$1,500 to Trans Lifeline. translifeline.org/
$10,000 to Lutheran Community Services Northwest’s Housing Emergency Fund, which subsidizes rent for incoming refugees. www.lcsnw.org/portland
$5,000 to JOIN to support Portland’s homeless as they transition into permanent housing. www.joinpdx.org
$5,000 to Causa to support Latino immigrants. www.causaoregon.org
$5,000 to TAP to support Portland’s transgender community. www.transassistance.org
$200 to the Anti Defamation League. www.adl.org
$100 to Hasel Afshar, a local resident whose house was destroyed and spray painted with anti-immigrant graffiti.
$5,000 to Albina Ministerial Alliance Coalition for Justice and Police Reform. www.albinaministerialcoalition.org
$650 to Mobilikidz, a group of three International Baccalaureate students from Cleveland High School, to fund their service project to modify two toy firetrucks into joystick operated vehicles for young children with mobility disabilities. www.mobilikidz.cu.cc
$1,000 to Catholic Charities to support incoming refugees. www.catholiccharitiesoregon.org
$5,000 to NAYA (Native American Youth & Family Center). www.nayapdx.org
$5,000 to Unite Oregon to support building a unified intercultural movement for justice. www.uniteoregon.org
$5,000 to Raphael House to end domestic violence. www.raphaelhouse.com
$1,000 to Oregon Peace Institute to fund de-escalation and bystander intervention trainings. www.orpeace.us
$5,000 to Opal Environmental Justice to build power for environmental justice and civil rights in our communities. www.opalpdx.org
$3,500 to the Oregon DACA Coalition to grant scholarships to DACA recipients renewing their paperwork. www.oregondacacoalition.org
$5,000 to Disability Rights Oregon to advocate for Oregonians with disabilities. www.droregon.org
$1,490 to The Passport Project in Gresham to pay for passports for American born children of immigrants.
​$7,000 to Taller Salud to support relief efforts in Puerto Rico. www.tallersalud.com​
$1,000 to PR on the Map to support a team in Puerto Rico who are documenting the story of recovery and resistance. www.gofundme.com/reportreimaginerevive-puerto-rico
$1,210 to Clackamas County Veteran's Village (via City Repair) to buy tools to help build a transitional shelter community for veterans. www.clackamas.us/transitionalhousing
$300 to What Now?, a proactive event working to bring people out of their homes to connect with their surrounding community and non-profits, making positive change happen. www.whatnowpdx.org
$500 to Oregon Women's Campaign School for a Bronze sponsorship, which gives two women scholarships to attend the school. www.oregonwomenscampaignschool.org
$1,500 to Portland's Resistance to support their Resistance Ball fundraising event. www.pdxresistance.org
$5,000 to Black Parent Initiative, the only culturally specific organization in Portland focused solely on supporting low/moderate income parents as a vehicle for enhancing the lives of Black youth. www.thebpi.org
$1,000 to support Governor Kate Brown's Third Annual Women in Politics event.
$5,000 to Don't Shoot Portland for their organizational work and activism in the community. www.dontshootportland.com
$500 to the Sons of Haiti Lodge to replace stolen items after a break in and to help increase their security. www.facebook.com/sonsofhaiti
$1,250 to Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) to sponsor a table at "Growing Strong Together," to celebrate and fundraise for Oregon's African community members. www.irco.org
$1,890 to Rose Haven day shelter to support ten women for a year. www.rosehaven.org
$2,460 to the Southern Poverty Law Center. www.splcenter.org
$1,000 to Innovation Law Lab to help fund efforts for coordination of a massive legal response effort to get Know Your Rights information and access to all attorneys of the Sheridan detainees. www.innovationlawlab.org
$500 to Unidos Bridging Community to help support commissary funds and phone cards for the Sheridan detainees. www.unidosyamhillcounty.org
$4,750 donated to RAICES (www.raicestexas.org) and $4750 donated to Innovation Law Lab (www.innovationlawlab.org) via Families Belong Together/In Our America t-shirt sales printed and sold by NightOwl Custom Apparel.
$5,000 to Adelante Mujeres to support their Proyecto de Solidaridad Inmigrante, Immigrant Solidarity Project. www.adelantemujeres.org
$2,000 to Forward Together to help them deepen civic participation and leadership of communities of color in Oregon. www.forwardtogether.org
$4,000 to Oregonians United Against Profiling to help support their Vote No on Measure 105 campaign. www.orunited.org
$450 each for tuition for NWGSD members Jennifer B. and Shani H.B. to join Emerge Oregon's Class of 2019 candidate training program. www.or.emergeamerica.org
$1,000 to Women's March and Rally for Action 2019 to help fund the Portland march planned for 1/20/19.
$300 to provide ASL interpreters for Don't Shoot Portland's Reclaim MLK Annual March for Human Rights & Dignity
$5,000 to Zakat Foundation to support their work in Yemen. www.zakat.org
$2490 to fund two full scholarships for community members to attend the James Lawson Institute on April 24-28 at PSU. www.jameslawsoninstitute.org/2019portland
$650 to Unite Oregon to fund a bus for their We Rise Together Lobby Day (April, 2019). www.uniteoregon.org
$500 to Rose Haven to sponsor their 2019 Reigning Roses Walk. www.rosehaven.org
$6,740 to WomenFirst Transition & Referral Center to house and provide resources for women coming out of the prison system. www.rebuildwomenfirst.org
$500 to Family Forward. www.familyforwardoregon.org
$500 to Black Community of Portland. www.facebook.com/BCPpublic/
$400 to Don't Shoot Portland to sustain and expand their legal referral services at the Dismantle, Change, Build Center. www.dontshootpdx.org
$150 to support the Close the Camps rally in June.
$150 to support the Lights for Liberty rally in July.
$1,000 to East County Rising to support them as they train more grassroots organizers, and support efforts to improve transportation, parks & recreation, affordable housing and other issues important to our communities. www.eastcountyrising.com
$50 for the "No U.S. War in Iran or Venezuela" rally in late July 2019.
$5,000 to SAGE, an organization that works to enhance the lives of older gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community members through education, advocacy, outreach and resource development. www.friendlyhouseinc.org/programs/safety-net-services/sage
$500 to East County Rising to support their Heather Booth event.
$500 to The Mother PAC to sponsor their Dance Like a Mother fundraiser. www.motherpac.org
$500 to NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon to sponsor their annual gala. www.prochoiceoregon.org
$200 to provide free tickets to the My Body, My Choice film festival.
$450 to pay tuition for NWGSD member L. Elliott to attend electoral campaign management training.
$175 for a new set of cymbals for the Unpresidented Brass Band to thank them for keeping us energized at marches and rallies.
$360 to sponsor a table at WomenFirst's annual fundraiser. www.rebuildwomenfirst.org
$1,000 to sponsor Q Center's Shine Brunch fundraiser. www.pdxQcenter.org
$2,500 to MMIW USA (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women). www.mmiwusa.org
$2,000 to Portland Womxn's March and Rally for Action 2020. www.womxnsmarchpdx.com
$5,800 to WomenFirst Transition & Referral Center for a match campaign at their annual fundraiser. www.rebuildwomenfirst.org
$1,000 to the scholarship fund for Oregon Womxn's Campaign School. www.oregonwomenscampaignschool.org
$3,000 to Angry Tias and Abuelas of the Rio Grande Valley to provide basic necessities for health and safety and support for human dignity and justice to individuals and families seeking asylum at our border. www.angrytiasandabuelas.com
$1,500 to Pueblo Unido to provide legal service navigation and client advocate support for immigrants who are facing deportation. www.pueblounidopdx.org
$200 to sponsor tickets for the Remember & Rise film screening and discussion to benefit the Democratic Black Caucus and PDX Womxn's March.
$2,500 to Northwest Quality Care to support the creation of the only independent nonprofit primary care clinic offering abortion care in Oregon. www.northwestqualitycare.com
$1,500 to the Black Resilience Fund to support Black Portlanders via bill paying, meal deliveries, groceries, etc. https://gf.me/u/x59zzr
$1,000 to PAALF - Portland African American Leadership Forum (www.paalf.org) to support their work helping the Black community imagine the alternatives they deserve and build their civic participation and leadership to achieve those alternatives. www.paalf.org
$1,000 to Urban League of Portland to support their mission of empowering African-Americans and others to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security and quality of life. https://ulpdx.org/
$1,000 to Beyond Black Boxes to reach their immediate goal to inspire and create a model for organizers to serve the BIPOC community as a whole and their long-term goal to be a resource for learning sustainable strategies towards creating tangible ways to dismantle systemic racism for BIPOC through education and redistribution of resources. www.beyondblackboxes.com
1,000 to Brown Girls Rise, a space for young girls and femmes of color to build solidarity and sisterhood with one another in resistance to the dominant image of illness, violence, and dysfunction. https://linktr.ee/browngirlrise
$1,000 to PDX Alliance for Self Care to support their mission to connect marginalized and vulnerable communities with self-care resources, practitioners, education, events, and advocacy. www.pdxasc.org
$1,000 to Beaverton Black Parent Union, an all-volunteer, black-led organization working to unite black groups into a cohesive collaborative network to discuss and challenge educational policies and practices that impact educational outcomes for Black families. https://www.facebook.com/Black-Parent-Union-218457888165188/
$1,000 to KairosPDX, a non-profit organization focused on delivering excellent, equitable education to underserved children, their families and their communities with a mission to eliminate the prolific racial achievement and opportunity gaps by cultivating confident, creative, compassionate, leaders who exceed expectations at each milestone ages 0-10. http://kairospdx.org/
$500 to Rose City Justice, a Black-led, BIPOC supported, grassroots organization committed to unifying local activism efforts, bringing awareness to the people, creating reform to systems founded on inequitable and racist ideals, and demanding justice in a non-violent manner. http://rosecityjusticecrc.org/
$500 to SNACK BLOC, a community resource and support for rallies, protests, community events, and vigils in the greater Portland area. Supporting the Resistance, one snack at a time, they aim to create a safe space with sustenance, medic tent, and chill zone during efforts made by the Resistance. https://snackbloc.party/
$1,000 to Raíces, Umatilla County to support their COVID-19 fund for migrant fieldworkers and essential workers who do not qualify for federal/state aid. www.raices541.org
$1,000 to Sara Snyder Defendant Support Fund to support their work providing attorneys a resource to cover the cost of obstacles, such as outstanding fines and fees, for clients in the criminal justice system who are trying to make a change and for whom this help could be transformative.
$1,000 to Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) to aid their efforts to provide COVID-19 relief to Portland Metro Urban Indian Community, Warm Springs, and the Umatilla. They have been helping with food, cleaning supplies, and water. https://mmiwusa.org/
$500 to Riot Ribs to help sustain protesters in downtown Portland.
$2500 to East County Rising to help register and mobilize thousands of under-represented voters. www.eastcountyrising.com
$500 to The Mother PAC to sponsor their Dance Like a Mother fundraiser. www.motherpac.org
$2,500 to Unete for their Immigrant Fire Relief Fund. uneteoregon.org
$1,000 to Oregon League of Minority Voters to support their annual fundraising gala. www.minorityvoters.org
$50 to ship 8 gallons of donated hand sanitizer to the Warm Springs Community Action Team. http://wscat.org/
$3,000 to the Warm Springs Community Action Team. http://wscat.org/
$1,000 to Oregon Womxn's Campaign School. www.oregonwomenscampaignschool.org
$1,000 to Yes for Real Community Oversight of Police to define and enshrine in the Portland City Charter the tenets of the most progressive police accountability system in the country. https://realpoliceaccountability.org/
$500 to Center for Common Ground to support voter expansion efforts. http://centerforcommonground.org/main/
$16,450 for Get Out the Vote efforts in 2020, including postcards, postage, and a stamp grant.
$1,000 to Portland Womxn's March and Rally for Action 2021. www.womxnsmarchpdx.com
NWGSD also introduced a "Notable Nasties" award to recognize outstanding volunteers.
Each recipient was able to choose a non-profit for NWGSD to donate $100 to in their honor.
Patty M. - $100 to Rose Haven, www.rosehaven.org
Marcelle M. - $100 to Reproductive Health Services, Montgomery, AL., www.rhs4choice.com
Marie S. & Marty G. - $100 to Everytown For Gun Safety, www.everytown.org
Sarah W. - $100 to Northwest Abortion Access Fund, www.nwaafund.org
Scott & Sandy R. - $100 to Indivisible, www.indivisible.org
Susan B. - $100 to Causa, www.causaoregon.org
Megan C. - $100 to PDX Women in Tech, www.pdxwit.org
Tiana W. - $100 to Morpheus Youth Project, www.morpheusyouth.org
Erin C. & Kate S. - $100 to Innovation Law Lab, www.innovationlawlab.org
In Memoriam: In October 2018 we honored Angela Ingermann, a member of our community who died in a car accident over the summer. A special fund for Moms Demand Action has been set up in Angela's memory. NWGSD donated $1,000 in her honor, and we invite you to make your own contributions: https://support.momsdemandaction.org/honoringAngela. It is our way of saying: "Thank you Angela, for being part of our Nasty Women family."
Smitha C. - $100 to AFFIRM, www.affirmresearch.org
Rebecca C. - $100 to Moms Demand Action, www.momsdemandaction.org
Robin S. - $100 to SAGE Metro Portland, www.friendlyhouseinc.org
Asha D. - $100 to Higher Heights, www.higherheightsforamerica.org
Elona W. - $100 to WomenFirst Transition & Referral Center, www.rebuildwomenfirst.org
Shannon O. - $100 to The Purtty Home
Kimberly P. - $100 to Causa, www.causaoregon.org
Kerstin M. - $100 to Disability Rights Oregon, www.droregon.org
Josielyn A.P. - $100 to Kids in Need of Defense, www.supportkind.org
M'lissa W. - $100 to Black Lives Matter, www.blacklivesmatter.com
Erica G. - $100 to Innovation Law Lab, www.innovationlawlab.org
Della R. - $100 to Exit the Maze, www.exitthemaze.org
Peggy H. - $100 to Portland Refugee Support Group, www.pdxrsg.org
Cris W. - $100 to Friends Involved in Dog Outreach, www.fidoanimeals.org
Our valued collaborators
We draw deep inspiration from every single one of you out there who spreads the In Our America flag and message. Your work matters! Your message is an antidote to dark days.
A special thank you to Deidre & Aaron Nigel Smith for allowing us use of video clips for the home page. The video supported the In Our America album that topped the Billboard Reggae charts in 2020. Their work with One World Chorus will blow you away.
And congratulations to the Syracuse Cultural Workers for becoming a worker-owned company! We look forward to collaborating with you for years to come.